Whatever makes your soul happy. Do that!

30 Days of Self-Care Tree Advent Calendar

$5000 AUD

Build new habits with this 30-day interactive activity designed to inspire you to live life with more attention to self-care. This unique and interactive activity encourages you to cultivate a daily commitment to self-care. 

Thirty removable daily self-care tags provide space to write down your self-care intention for the day, and then hang it on a beautiful freestanding tree of life. Each self-care tag is contained inside a pull-open window with an inspirational quote about self-care and is to be opened one at a time over the course of 30 days. 

It takes 30 days to form a habit, making the 30 removable prompts in this interactive format the perfect way to develop a practice of self-care. DECOR AND MORE: As the beautifully designed daily prompts are added to the intricate tree, they create a lovely decoration for a desk or tabletop and are a delightful reminder to care for yourself. 

This is the perfect gift for mindfulness practitioners and anyone hoping to cultivate self-care.