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Basil Leaf. Love. Soothes Tempers. Wealth. New Business. Protection. By

$995 AUD

The scent of Basil causes sympathy between two people, and this is why it is it used to soothe tempers between lovers. It is added to love incenses and sachets.

Sprinkle Basil Leaf in a room that needs protection from evil, for where Basil is, no evil can live.  

Burn Basil in a new place of business or home to bring good luck. 

Gender: Masculine. Planet: Mars. Element: Fire. Deities: Vishnu. Erzulie.

Healing Properties: Used in cooking and for medicinal purposes. Nutritional value: Potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, vitamin C, and B2.

Common medicinal uses: Arthritis, bronchitis, the common cold, fever, influenza, stomach ulcers, rheumatism, ear ache, epilepsy, heart conditions, malaria, sinusitis, snake bite, stomach ache and vomiting.

To burn as incense, place a charcoal block onto a heatproof surface and light. When lit, place a small quantity of incense onto the block and allow the aromatic scent to pervade the room, adding more if required according to personal preference.

Botanical name: Ocimum basilicum 100ml Glass jar with gold screw top.